Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine 1972
Jan - 338
Copy for sale:
Good - £8.00 |
- Isaac Asimov - The Acquisitive Chuckle
- Joe Gores - File #6: Beyond the Shadow
- Robert Edward Eckels - The Munich
- Joan
S. Richter - Last Harvest
- John Pierce - Once a Cop
- Avram Davidson - How Could He Do It?
- Edward D. Hoch - The Theft of the Seven Ravens
- James Holding - The Borneo Snapshot
- Lika Van Ness - Mr. Anonymous
- Alan
K. Young - Child's Play
- H. R.
F. Keating - Inspector Ghote and the Miracle
- Lloyd Biggle, Jr. - Grandfather and the Little
- Miriam
Allen deFord - Turnabout
- David Ely - No Time to Lose
- Michael Gilbert
- Mouse in a Trap
- D. R. Bensen - Criminalimerick
- John D. Morse - Detectiverse
(Middle-Aged Fan's Lament)
- John Dickson Carr - The Jury Box
for sale:Good - £7.00 |
- Florence V. Mayberry - Screen Test
- J. J. Marric (John Creasey) - Gideon and the Chestnut
- Jon L. Breen - Gilliam's
- Nicolas Freeling - Van
der Valk and the False Caesar
- James Powell - Trophy
Day at the Chateau Gai
- R. L. Stevens
- Just Something That Happened
- Irwin Ross - One Chance in 100,000,000
- William Brittain - Mr. Strang Checks a Record
- V. L. Gallahue - Rest in Peace
- Russell
McLauchlin - Teatime in Baker Street
- John
Christopher - Island of Bright Birds
- E. E. Roberts - A Little Ride in the Car
- Edward D. Hoch
- The Spy Without a Country
- Anthony Gilbert - A Day of Encounters
- D. R. Bensen - Criminalimerick
- John Dickson Carr - The Jury Box
March #340Copy for sale:Very
Good - £8.00 Good -
£7.00 | - Agatha Christie - The Incredible Theft
- Georges Simenon - Inspector Maigret
and the Missing Miniatures
- Harold R. Daniels - Three Ways to Rob a
- Lawrence Treat - Wife Trouble
- Robin Maugham - Follow the Sun
- Patricia
McGerr - The Last Check
- Christianna Brand - Such a Nice
- John Coyne
- A Game in the Sun
- O. Henry - The Confession
of -
- Robert Edward Eckels - Never Trust a Partner
- Michael
Gilbert - The Curious Conspiracy
- Patricia Highsmith - Woodrow Wilson's Necktie
- John Dickson Carr - The Jury Box
April #341
Copy for sale:
Good - £8.00 |
- Edward D. Hoch - The Spy Who Didn't
- Berkely Mather
- No Questions Asked
- Joe Gores - File
#7: O Black and Unknown Bird
- James Fitzpatrick
- What Hedgepeth Heard
- Celia Fremlin - Golden Tuesday
- Barry N. Malzberg - Cornell
- William Brittain - Wynken, Blynken, and Nod
- Lawrence Treat - B as in Bandit
- Michael
Gilbert - The Blackmailing of Mr. Justice Ball
- John
Pierce - Abracadabra
- Cornell
Woolrich - Only One Grain More
- Percy Spurlark Parker - Block Party
- John Dickson Carr - The Jury Box
May #342Copy for sale:Very
Good - £8.00 | - J.
J. Marric (John Creasey) - Gideon and the Vintage Car Thefts
- Nicholas Freeling - Van der Valk and the
Man from Nowhere
- Edward D. Hoch - The Theft of the Mafia Cat
- Jon L. Breen - The
Body in the Bullpen
- Miriam Allen
deFord - April Story
- Joyce
Porter - Dover and the Dark Lady
- Richard Curtis - Life Story
- Francis M. Nevins, Jr. - Open Letter to Survivors
- Mary Barrett - Josephine Rider Said
- Agatha Christie - The Importance of a Leg
of Mutton
- Dana Lyon - The Woman in the Stone House
- John Abbott
- The Telegram Code
- Richard Matheson
- Leo Rising
- R. L. Stevens - Lot 721/XY258
- Robert B. Sinclair - All According
to Plan
- D. R. Bensen - Criminalimerick
- John D. Morse - Detectiverse (Dear Ngaio Marsh)
- John Dickson Carr - The Jury Box
June #343
for sale:Very Good - £8.00
Copy - £5 | - Robert
Edward Eckels - The Kid
- Jon L. Breen - The Babe Ruth Murder Case naped Painting
- Nedra Tyre - The Stranger Who Came Knocking
- J. F. Peirce
- Nothing New Under the Sun
- Haskell Barkin - The
Last Sassetta
- Fritzi Franz Lumen - The Prayer
- Edward
Wellen - The Assassin
- Alan K. Young - Ponsonby and the Ransom
- Theodore Mathieson - No Motive
- Jane Speed - The Events Between
- Lawrence Treat - M as in
- Edward D. Hoch - The
Spy and the Reluctant Courier
- Lawrence G Blochman - Dr. Coffee and the Pardell
- John Dickson Carr - The Jury Box
July #344
for sale:Very Good - £8.00 Good
- £7.00 | - Julian Symons
- Pickup on Dover Road
- Isaac Asimov - The Phony Ph.D.
- Florence V. Mayberry - The Thing on the Beach
- Avram Davidson - Rookie Cop
- R. L. Stevens - The Forbidden Word
- Charles Blessing - A Certain
- Allan
R. Brown - Sleep No More
- Mary Barrett - Deja Vu
- James Powell
- The Mandalasian Garotte
- Carole Rosenthal - The Little Dark
- William Brittain - Mr. Strang Finds a Car
- Lawrence Treat - The Haunted Portrait
- Michael
Gilbert - The African Beavers
- John Dickson Carr - The Jury Box
August #345
for sale:Very Good - £8.00 |
- Stanley Ellin - The Other
Side of the Wall
- Miriam
Allen deFord - Number One Suspect
- Agatha Christie - A Chess Problem
- Anthony Boucher - A Kind of Madness
- John
Pierce - Inspector Seal Reminisces
- Horace Gold - The Deadly Man
- Jon L. Breen - The
House of the Shrill Whispers
- John Dickson Carr - Death in the
Dressing Room
- Geoffrey
Household - The Instinct of the Hunted
- Josh Pachter - Invitation to a Murder
- David Morrell
- The Dripping
- R. L. Stevens - The Legacy
- Don Knowlton - The Most Wanted Man in the Country
- Florence
V. Mayberry - So Lonely, So Lost, So Frightened
- Lawrence Treat - G as in Garrote
- John Dickson Carr - The Jury Box
September #346
for sale:Very Good - £8.00 |
- Gary Brandner - Whole New Ball Game
- Edward D. Hoch - The Theft from the Empty
- Josh Pachter - The Theft of the Spy Who
- Edward D. Hoch - The Spy in the Pyramid
- Celia Fremlin - The Coldness of a Thousand Suns
- Francis
M. Nevins, Jr. - After the Twelfth Chapter
- John F. Dreyer - A Matter of Vanity
- Elaine Slater - Hard Luck Joey
- Joyce Harrington - The Purple Shroud
- Cornell Woolrich - The Lie
- H. R. F. Keating - A Little Rain in a Few Places
- Patricia Highsmith
- Sauce for the Goose
- Hugh Pentecost - Jericho
and the Two Ways to Die
- John Dickson Carr - The Jury Box
October #347Copy for sale:Very
Good - £8.00 Good -
£7.00 | - Isaac Asimov - The Man Who Never
Told a Lie
- Julian Symons - The Sensitive Ears of Mr.
- Jeff Sweet - The Cop
Who Liked Old Movies
- Ursula Curtiss - The Marked
- Syd Hoff - Encounter
- James
Powell - Ganelon and the Master Thief
- Mary Braund - What's On The Telly Tonight?
- Dick Lochte - Medford & Son
- Ross Macdonald - The Missing Sister Case
- Jon
L. Breen - The Circle Murder Case
- Lawrence Treat - T as in Thief
- Michael Gilbert - The Panic Button
- John Dickson Carr - The Jury Box
November #348
for sale:Very Good - £8.00 |
- Hugh Pentecost - Pierre Chambrun Defends Himself
- Jon L. Breen - Fall of a Hero
- Joan Richter - A Matter of Trust
- Edward
D. Hoch - The Theft of the Foggy Film
- H. R. F. Keating - Memorial
to Speke
- James Holding - Library Fuzz
- Lika Van Ness - Something Like Growing Pains
- Theodore Mathieson - The F. Scott Fitzgerald Murder Case
- Jerrold Phaon - Hunting Season
- Dennis Marks - The "Variety" Murder Case
- John Lutz - Autumn Madness
- Dana Lyon - The Good Companions
- Christianna Brand - The Niece from Scotland
- Lawrence G Blochman - Dr. Coffee and the Whiz Kid
- John Dickson Carr - The Jury Box
for sale:Very Good - £8.00 |
- Robert L. Fish
- Don't Worry, Johnny
- Edward
D. Hoch - The Spy Who Was Expected
- Lillian de la Torre - The Resurrection Men
- Florence V. Mayberry - Hong Kong or Wherever
- Isaac Asimov - The Matchbook Collector
- Lael J. Littke - A Puff
of Orange Smoke
- Jeff Sweet - The Method Actor
- Luna Wolf - Everybody Liked Florinda
- Tonita S. Gardner - A Girl Can't Always
Have Everything
- Francis M. Nevins Jr. - The Case of
the Nashing Teeth
- William Brittain
- Mr. Strang Versus the Snowman
- Robert Edward Eckels - One Man's Ignorance
- Josh Pachter - The Tipoff
- Joyce Harrington - The Plastic Jungle
- Avram Davidson - The Last Wizard
- Lawrence
Treat - C as in Cutthroat
- Patricia
McGerr - Winner Takes All
- John Dickson Carr - The Jury Box