Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine 1958
January - #170

Brand - Rabbit Out of a Hat
- Lillian de la Torre - Saint-Germain
The Deathless
- R. Doyle - Now I Lay Me Down
- Mignon
G. Eberhart - Murder at the Dog Show
- Matthew Gant - The Hungry
- Michael Gilbert - Operation Cryptic
- Whit Masterson
- Suddenly It's Midnight
- Guy Nedmon - Conversation Piece
- Robert
P. Stewart - Cause of Accident
- Anthony Boucher - Best Mysteries
of the Month
Copy for sale: Very
Good - £15
February - #171

- Anton Chekhov - Hush-a-Bye,
My Baby
- George Harmon Coxe - When a Wife Is Murdered
- Paul
W. Fairman - The Smell of Big Time
- Anthony Gilbert - The Goldfish
- Ernest Harrison - Voluntary Murder
- Frances
Lockridge and Richard Lockridge - The Searching Cats
- Ellery Queen
- No Parking
- Cornell Woolrich - Endicott's Girl
- Poul
Anderson - The Martian Crown Jewels
- Anthony Boucher - Best
Mysteries of the Month
Copy for sale: Very
Good - £15
March - #172

- Agatha Christie
- Some Day They Will Get Me
- Avram Davidson - Circle of Guilt
- Thomas Flanagan - Suppose You Were on the Jury
- Loren
Good - And the Desert Shall Blossom
- Rufus King - Each Drop
- Ellery Queen - No Place to Live
- Roy Vickers
- Wife Missing
- Thomas Walsh - Dear Lady
- Cornell
Woolrich - Don't Bet on Murder
- Anthony Boucher - Best Mysteries
of 1957
Copy for sale: Very
Good - £15
April - #173

- Helen Mabry Ballard - Wind in
the Afternoon
- Robert Bloch - Is Betsey Blake Still Alive?
- Victor Canning - Death in Morocco
- Carter Dickson - Death
by Invisible Hands
- Charles Green - A Mouse Called Emily
- Dashiell
Hammett - The Barber and His Wife
- Frederick Nebel - No Kid
- Alan E. Nourse - Doors in the Mind
- William
O'Farrell - The Girl on the Beach
- Ellery Queen - Object Lesson
- Thomas Walsh - A Chump to Hold the Bag
- Anthony Boucher - Best Mysteries of the Month
Copy for sale: Very Good - £15
May - #174

- Ashbaugh, Dick - The Course of Truelove
- Kem Bennett - Demon Scientist Strikes Again!
- Robert Branson - The RedHeaded
- George Harmon Coxe - You Gotta Be Tough
- Stanley
Ellin - You Can't Be a Little Girl All Your Life
- Michael Gilbert
- The Income Tax Mystery
- Morris Lee Green - The Murder-of-the-Month
- Edwin A. Gross - The Li'l Sharpsnooper
- Jack
London - The Devil-Dog
- Harold Q. Masur - The $2,000,000 Defense
- Ellery Queen - A Question of Honor
- Anthony Boucher - Best Mysteries of the Month
Copy for sale: Good - £13.00
June - #175

- Victor Canning
- Death in Italy
- Avram Davidson - The Creator of Preludes
- C. B. Gilford - Marriage Counselor's Marriage
- Ernest
Harrison - Voluntary Murder
- Shirley Jackson - This Is the Life
- Whit Masterson - The Women in His Life
- Helen Nielsen
- This Man Is Dangerous
- Ellery Queen - Child Missing!
- Thomas
Walsh - Girl in Danger
- Cornell Woolrich - Hurting Much?
- Anthony Boucher - Best Mysteries of the Month
Copy for sale: Good - £13.00
- #176

- Lawrence G Blochman - The Man Who Lost His Taste
- Agatha
Christie - Investigation by Telegram
- Michael Gilbert - Tea
Shop Assassin
- Ben Hecht - Chicago Nights' Entertainment
- Sheila
Kaye-Smith - For Tom's Sake
- Frances Lockridge and Richard
Lockridge - Dead Boys Don't Remember
- W. Somerset Maugham - An Official Position
- Helen McCloy - The Silent Informer
- Frederick
Nebel - Wanted: Accomplice
- Q. Patrick - Lioness vs. Panther
- Hugh Pentecost - Hunting Day
- Clayton Rawson - Nothing
Is Impossible
- Nedra Tyre - Carnival Day
- Anthony Boucher - Best Mysteries of the Month
August - #177

- George Harmon Coxe - Two
Minute Alibi
- Hal Ellson - Summer Idyll
- C. S. Forester
- That Old Computer
- Cyril Hare - Sermons in Bags
- Brett
Harte - What Happened at the Fonda
- Rufus King - Rendezvous
with Death
- Frederick Nebel - Pity the Poor Underdog
- Melville
Davisson Post - The Witness in the Metal Box
- Ellery Queen - The
Motive (Part 1)
- Edwin Samuel - The Old Museum Keeper
- W.
Sansom - The Dummy Man
- Thomas Walsh - Terror in His Heart
- Anthony
Boucher - Best Mysteries of the Month
September - #178

- Irene Holt Albert
- The Spent Heart
- Arnold Bennett - What to Do Next?
- Anthony
Boucher - The Last Hand
- Stanley Ellin - Unreasonable Doubt
- Michael Gilbert - The Second Skin
- Rudyard Kipling - The
Return of Imray
- St. Clair McKelway - The Shooting at Forty-Seven
- Alvin Pevehouse - The Fifth Element
- Ellery Queen
- The Motive (Conclusion)
- Jack Schaefer - Ghost Town
- Henry
Slesar - Ten Per Cent of Murder
- William Rawle Weeks - As the
Hunter Feels
- Cornell Woolrich - The Penny-a-Worder
- Anthony
Boucher - Best Mysteries of the Month
Copy for sale: Very
Good - £15
October - #179

- Ray Bradbury - The Town
Where No One Got Off
- Gertrude Carrick - Cub Scout Caper
- Avram
Davidson - Thou Still Unravished Bride
- Charles Green - Incident
at a Bar
- A. B. Guthrie , Jr. - Celebrated Skunk of Moon Dance
- Ernest Harrison - The Child Watcher
- Rufus King
- Happy Ending
- Theodore Mathieson - Captain Cook, Detective
- Clayton Rawson - Miracles - All in the Day's Work
- Holly
Roth - They Didn't Deserve Her Death
- Rex Stout - Too Many
- Gerald Weales - Fate and Aunt Lucyanne
- Anthony
Boucher - Best Mysteries of the Month
Copy for sale: Very
Good - £15
November - #180

- Anthony Boucher
- Command Performance
- John Dickson Carr - The Footprint in
the Sky
- Ruth Chessman - Murder - Early American
- G.
K. Chesterton - The Absence of Mr. Glass
- Agatha Christie - Hercule
Poirot, Armchair Detective
- George Harmon Coxe - A Routine Night's
- Dashiell Hammett - Itchy the Debonair
- Frances
Lockridge, and Richard Lockridge - All Men Make Mistakes
- Peggy
McIntyre - Hand on My Shoulder
- Charles G. Norris - The Gambler's
- Talmage Powell - Dear Mr. Lonelyheart
- Talmage
Powell - Salesmanship
- Patricia Knowlton - The Heirloom
- Anthony
Boucher - Best Mysteries of the Month
Copy for sale: Very
Good - £15
December - #181

- William Brandon
- Beach of Promise
- Robert M. Coates - Rendezvous
- John
Collie - The Love Connoisseur
- Miriam Allen deFord - To Be Found
and Read
- William Fay - Some Days You Can't Make a Dollar
- Jacques Futrelle - The Thinking Machine Investigates
- Richard
M. Gordon - Death of a Harvard Man
- Cyril Hare - Cover Girl
- Rufus King - The Patron Saint of the Impossible
- Hugh
Pentecost - The Man With Half a Face
- James Ronald - A Tired
- Anthony Boucher - Best Mysteries of the Month