Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine 1944
January - #14 Volume 5 Number 14

Copy for sale: Very Good - £45
- Steve
Fisher - If Christmas Comes
- Samule Hopkins adams - The Flying
- Cornelius A. Tilghman - Death in the Dog House
- Fredric
Brown - The Djinn Murder
- Christopher Morley - A Scandal in Bohemia
- Pat
Hand - The Showdown
- S. Weir Mitchell - The Waters of Oblivion
- Agatha
Christie - The Witness for the Prosecution
- P. C. Wren - No
Corpse - No Murder
- William Faulkner - The Hound
March - #15 Volume 5 Number 15

Copy for sale: Very
Good - £45
- W. Somerset Maugham - Footprints in the Jungle
- Stuart
Palmer - The Lady from Dubuque
- Margery Allingham - Safe as Houses
- James
Yaffe - Mr Kiroshibu's Ashes
- Arthur Sherburne Hardy - The Silver
- Lillian de la Torre - Prince Charlie's Ruby
- Johnston
McCulley - Thubway Tham, Thvilian
- MacKinlay Kantor - The Watchman
- Miriam
Allen deFord - Mortmain
- Hammett, Dashiell - The Judge Laughed
May - #16 Volume 5 Number 16

for sale: Very Good - £45
- Dashiell Hammett - One Hour
- Georges
Simenon - Affaire Ziliouk
- C. Daly King - The Nail and the Requiem
- Henry
Hasse - The Man Who Read Too Many
- Richard Comnnell - The Doctor
and the Lunatic
- Jerome & Harold Prince - The Man in the Velvet
- E. M. Forster - Mr. and Mrs. Abbey's Difficulties
- Agatha
Christie - The Mystery of the Blue Jar
- Quentin Reynolds - The
Man Who Dreamed Too Much
July - #17 Volume 5 Number 17

Copy for sale: Very
Good - £45
- Stuart
Palmer - The Adventure of the Marked Man
- Christopher Morley - The
Curious Case of Kenelm Digby
- Sergeant Russell S. Hughes - Seeing
is Believing
- G. D. H. & M. I. Cole - A Lesson in Crime
- Fredric
Brown - Murder While You Wait
- Roy Vickers - The Man Who Murdered
in Public
- Ellery Queen - The Wounded Lieutenant
- Pat
Hand - The Imponderables
- James M. Cain - The Baby in the Icebox
September - #18 Volume 5 Number 18

- Agatha Christie - The Case of the Kidnaped Pekinese
- Mignon G. Eberhart - Postiche
- Marc Connelly - Coroner’s Inquest
- Cyril Plunkett - The Guest
- C. Daly King - Lost Star
- James Yaffe - The Seventh Drink
- Charles Caldwell Dobie - The Open Window
- John Dickson Carr - The Hangman Won’t Wait
November - #19 Volume 5 Number 19

Copy for sale: Very
Good - £45
- John Dickson Carr - William Wilson's Rackett
- Dashiell
Hammett - The Gutting of Couffignal
- Percival Wilde - P. Moran
- Valma Clark - Death on the South Wind
- Baynard
Kendrick - Death at the Porthole
- Roy Vickers - The Meanest Man
in Europe
- Anthony Boucher - Arsene Lupin vs Colonel Linnaus
- M. Lindsay - The Garnet Ring
- Pat Hand - The Alibi
- Graham
Greene - The News In English